Why Reflexical?
Empowering Web3 Founders With The Tools For Success

Stamp of Approval
Being a “Reflexical Fellow” conveys a certain minimum standard on all 6 pillars of Web3 success.

Access to other founders, think tanks, policy makers, and media, leads to favorable outcomes.

Investor speed-dating, curated introductions, shark-tank format events accelerate fundraising.

The powerful Reflexical community of founders, investors, and peers will have skin in the Fellow’s game.
Rewarding Reflexical Investors

Monetizing Influence
Veterans and influencers give back to the community, and gain rewards for helping us with their influence.

Giving Referrals
Web3 founders and thought-leaders gain from scouting for, and referring deals to Reflexical.

Gaining Deal Flow
Investors get access to promising startups, and an opportunity to web3-ize their web2 startups

Gaining Adoption
Blockchains gain mindspace with upcoming dApps. Projects gain partnerships and customers.
Reflexical’s Right to Win
Reflexical is uniquely positioned in Web3. Our relationships, thought leadership and global presence position us with insider-access to tomorrow’s top projects.